BIS Certification for Putty for Use on Window Frames under IS 419:1967

Putty for Use on Window Frames IS 419:1967


Putty is a generic term for a material with high plasticity, similar in texture to clay or dough, typically used in domestic construction and in glazing for fixing and sealing panes of glass into wooden frames. The requirements and the methods of sampling and test for putty for use in fixing glass panes on wood and metal frames and for filling splits, cracks and holes in wood or metals shall conform to IS 419: 1967..

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act,1986  to promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country.

Putty, for use on Window Frames product has been specified in IS 419:1967 by Bureau of Indian Standards.

This standard prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling and test for putty for use in fixing glass panes on wood and metal frames and for filling splits, cracks and holes in wood or metal.


·       IS 2 :1960       : Rules for rounding off numerical values

·       IS 75 :1950      : Specification for linseed oil, raw, for paints

·       IS 85 :1950      : Methods of test for oil pastes for paints

·       IS 420 : 1953   : Specification for putty for use on metal frames

·       IS 460 : 1962   : Specification for test sieves

·       IS 1303 : 1963 : Glossary of terms relating to paints

·       IS 1070 : 1960 : Specification for water, distilled quality

·       IS 2468 : 1963 : Specification for whiting for putty


·       Form and Condition — The material shall be homogeneous paste and
shall be free from grit and other visible impurities.

·       Composition — The material shall consist only of whiting (conforming
to IS : 2468-1963§), linseed oil, raw ( conforming to IS : 75-1950||) and
suitable varnish medium in such proportions as to form a paste which shall comply with the requirements of this standard.

·       Consistency — The material, after thorough working in hands, shall
have good plastic quality without sliminess or stickiness that would render it difficult to handle and apply.

·       In addition, it shall work readily and smoothly under a palette knife
without crumbling or cracking and, after being moulded in place, it shall
convert itself into a cohesive mass which does not yield to specified pressure applied after 72 hours as prescribed in Appendix A

Some of its benefits are as follows:

  • Putty is resistant to moisture.
  • It provides a smoother finish.
  • It has a multi-purpose application.
  • It doesn't flake or get easily damaged.
  • Creates an airtight seal that keeps wind from blowing in and heat from escaping.

Following are the Testing Parameters :

·       Relative Density

·       Available Chlorine (As Cl2)

·       Total Chlorine (As Cl2)

·       Free Alkali (as NaOH)

·       Free Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3)

·       Iron (as Fe)

·       Sodium Chlorate



BIS Certification in India


BIS Certification/ISI Certification is basically quality certification which reflects quality of the product. All mandatory products required to be certified by BIS before selling to the Indian market but before applying to the BIS Certification applicant have to ensure that they have achieved the product quality norms as per the requirement of relevant Indian Standard.

Applicants have to set up the lab (Complete testing facility) in their factory premises. Once everything is ready then we need to submit the application along with complete testing facility details with calibration and other supporting documents in Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS).


After the scrutiny of documents BIS officer will visit the factory to check in-house testing facilities and manufacturing machineries according to process flow chart. During the inspection the manufacturer has to offer a sample lot and after the successful completion the Inspection BIS officer will seal the sample for testing in the independent lab.

After the satisfactory report received from the lab, BIS will issue the license.


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