The washable distemper is a water-based paints which is largely used for giving decorative and super smooth matt finish on the inner surfaces of the building. Its durability and ease in application with a wide variety of colours of unmatched purity and quality are the reason behind its popularity with the only problem being its non-washability so, it gradually comes out if wet.

Types: Washable distemper shall be of two types:
Type 1 — Oil emulsion, and
Type 2 — Plastic (synthetic polymer emulsion based)

Composition: The material shall consist of pigments, suitable extenders and preservatives in a medium consisting of any suitable oil emulsion with other ingredients as may be necessary to produce a material so as to comply the requirements of the standard, IS 428.

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act,1986  to promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country.

Washable Distemper product has been specified in IS 428 : 2013 by Bureau of Indian Standards.

This standard prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling and test for washable distemper. The material is used as a flat finish for protection and interior decoration on building surfaces where frequent washing may become necessary.


The standards listed in Annex A contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated in Annex A.







  1. Form and Condition:

The material shall be in the form of a homogeneous paste, free from lumps and skins. The material shall have no odour of purification as such and when mixed with water.

  1. Thinning:

The material when thinned with water, 50 percent by mass of paint, the material shall mix readily with minimum amount of foaming to a smooth and homogenous state.

  1. Application:

The material after recommended thinning shall be suitable for application by brush. The resulting film shall be smooth and uniform.

  1. Lead Restriction:

The limit of lead restriction up to a maximum permissible limit of 300 ppm has been prescribed to avoid hazardous impact of lead exposure in homes and consequent adverse impact on environment and human health.

  1. Keeping Properties:

The material shall conform all the requirements as mentioned in previous points and Table 1 for a minimum period of one year from the date of manufacture when stored in original sealed container at ambient temperature.

Test Methods and Criteria of Conformity:

Tests shall be conducted as prescribed in various parts of IS 101 and Annexes B to F of IS 428.
Quality of Reagents: Unless specified otherwise, pure chemicals and distilled water (see IS 1070) shall be employed in tests.
NOTE — 'Pure chemicals' shall mean chemicals that do not contain impurities which affect the results of analysis.



Following are the Testing Parameters :

·       Drying Time

·       Consistency         

·       Finish

·       Colour

·       Residue on Sieve

·       Recoating Properties

·       Resistance to Alkali

·       Temperature Stability

Possible Tests in a Day :

·       Form and Condition

·       Thinning

·       Application

·       Lead Restriction

·       Consistency

·       Finish


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