BIS Certification for Protective Textiles

  •  28 Nov, 2023
  •  ISI Certification (BIS)
BIS Certification for Protective Textiles



What are Protective Textiles ?

Protective textiles or protective clothing are an important branch of technical textiles that are used primarily for their functional or functional properties rather than decorative or aesthetic properties. The importance of protective clothing in the workplace is immense. Protective textile products have been used to protect against various natural or man-made adverse environments or situations like heat, cold, storms, ultraviolet rays, snow, radioactive radiation, fires, friction, dust, microorganisms, static electricity, chemicals, etc.

Protective textiles have several important features that should be present in every garment based on the workplace.

  • Light weight and good Handle and Drape features
  • High durability
  • Water and wind resistant
  • Resistant to bacteria and microorganisms
  • Thermal insulation
  • Ultraviolet (UV) resistant
  • Air permeability
  • Resistant to fire and flame
  • Bulletproof
  • Resistant to chemicals
  • Provide protection from radar spectrum.



What is BIS Certification ?

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the National Standards Body of India which develops and publishes Indian Standards, Implement Conformity Assessment Schemes, Recognise & run laboratories for Conformity Assessment, Implement Hallmarking, Work for Consumer empowerment, Conduct capacity building programs on quality assurance and represent the country in ISO & IEC.

Obtaining BIS certification for Protective Textiles is of high importance. As, BIS certification system will ensure the superior quality Protective Textiles.

·       Under section 16, 17 and 25 of Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 (11 of 2016), the Central Government is of the opinion that it is necessary so to do in the public interest and after consulting the Bureau of Indian Standards, hereby makes the Order –

Protective Textiles (Quality Control) Order, 2022.


·       As per this (Quality control) order, all the manufacturers of Protective Textiles are obligated to bear the Standard Mark under a licence from the Bureau in accordance with Scheme-I of Schedule-II to the Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018


·       Penalty for contravention. Any person who contravenes the provisions of this Order shall be punishable in accordance with the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 (11 of 2016).


For  the specification and performance requirements, the Bureau of Indian Standards has developed standards for the following Protective textiles :


Protective textile products :


·       Curtains and Drapes

·       Upholstered composites used for non-domestic furniture

·       Protective clothing for firefighters

·       Protective gloves for firefighters

·       Protective clothing for industrial workers exposed to heat

·       Clothing made of limited flame spread materials and material assemblies affording protection against heat and flame

·       High visibility Warning Clothes

·       Protective Clothing for use in welding and allied processes

·       Tactical 3 point sling

·       Pouch for ammunition and grenades made of disruptive pattern nylon-66

·       Bullet resistant jackets

·       Water-proof multipurpose rain poncho



Indian Standard for the above Protective textile products and the corresponding Title :


·       IS 15741 : 2007  -         Textiles – Resistance to ignition of curtains and drapes - Specification


·       IS 15768: 2008 -  Textiles – Resistance to ignition of upholstered composites used for non-domestic furniture - Specification


·       IS 16890: 2018 - Textiles – Protective Clothing for Firefighters - Specification


·       IS 16874 : 2018- Textiles - Protective Gloves for Firefighters –Specification


·       IS 15748 : 2022Textiles - Protective clothing for Industrial workers exposed to heat (excluding firefighters' and welders' clothing)


·       IS 15742 : 2007 - Textiles - requirements for clothing made of limited flame spread materials and material assemblies affording protection against heat and flame - specification

·       IS 15809: 2017 – High visibility warning clothes - Specification


·       IS 16655:2017Textiles – Protective clothing for use in welding and allied processes


·       IS 16725: 2018 – Textiles – Tactical 3 point sling universal - Specification


·       IS 16726: 2018 – Textiles – Pouch for ammunition and grenades made of disruptive pattern nylon 66 - Specification


·       IS 17051: 2018 – Textiles – Bullet resistance jackets – Performance requirements


·       IS 17286: 2016 – Textiles – Waterproof multipurpose rain poncho with convertibility as bivouac - Specification



Benefits of getting BIS Certification for Protective Textiles to sell in Indian Market with our help


·       BIS Certification means, that a certain product conforms to the quality standards set up by the government.

·       It is compulsory for Protective Textiles to obtain the BIS Licence and the violators are penalized with the material seize and a significant sum as fine.

·       Getting certification improves the probability of your product to survive and compete in the market.

·       Customers have the tendency of buying BIS certified products as it ensured safety and standard quality. Hence, with the certified products you can win the confidence and trust of the buyer.

·       With the word of mouth of such client list, you can establish your credibility in the market.

·       Hence with the renowned brand, you can raise the standard and benchmark the market value of the product.


Requisites to get the BIS license for Protective Textiles


·       Conformity of Raw Material as per above mentioned Indian Standards for Protective Textiles

·       In-house testing laboratory for mandatory tests

·       Competent Quality Control Personnel

·       Adherence to the BIS guidelines for Protective Textiles as per mentioned Indian standards

·       There are 4 major categories of document required to get the BIS license:

a.   Administrative Details

b.   Technical Details

c.    Quality Control Personnel Details

d.      Commercial Details


Expenses involved in obtaining BIS certificate for Protective Textiles :



·       BIS Fee :


o   Application Fees

o   Audit Charges (Consolidated)

o   License Fee

o   Marking Fee


·       Testing Charges :


o   Sample test Fee


In the certification process, product testing is the most important stage as it determines whether the quality of the product meets Indian standards.


·       Consultancy and other charges :


Expenses will be different for Indian Manufacturers and Foreign Manufacturers accordingly.


Role of ERCS Private Limited in getting your product Certified :


·       To get BIS certification and produce a standard quality product, the manufacturer must ensure that their product must follow the specified Indian Standard Specifications (ISS) which we directly interpret to you from the BIS officials as per the Indian Standards.

·       ECRS Private Limited will be your friend, philosopher and guide in the whole process of getting your product certified by the concerned authorities/ departments.


It is always better to consult with experience team such as ERCS Pvt. Ltd. for smooth certification process.

For more information, please feel free to contact us at or call at +91-9076611770 / +91-9076611766.


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