Procedure of BIS ISI Certification in India

  •  30 Nov, 2023
  •  ISI Certification (BIS)
BIS ISI Certification Procedure in India





In a world driven by technology and innovation, ensuring the quality and safety of products has become paramount. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Certification is a crucial step in this process, providing consumers with the assurance that products meet the specified standards. This blog aims to demystify the procedure of BIS Certification, shedding light on the steps manufacturers need to take to ensure their products comply with the mandated standards.


Step 1: Identification of Applicable Standards


The journey toward BIS Certification begins with identifying the relevant standards for the product in question. The BIS has developed a comprehensive list of standards covering a wide range of products, from electronics to textiles. Manufacturers must carefully review and determine the specific standards applicable to their product category.


Step 2: Application Submission


Once the relevant standards are identified, manufacturers need to submit an application for BIS Certification. This involves providing detailed information about the product, manufacturing process, and quality control measures in place. The application also includes details about the testing facilities used to ensure compliance.


Step 3: Product Testing


One of the core elements of BIS Certification is product testing. Manufacturers must send samples of their products to BIS-approved laboratories for testing against the specified standards. The testing process evaluates various parameters, such as safety, performance, and reliability. If the product meets the required standards, it moves to the next stage.


Step 4: Factory Inspection


In addition to product testing, BIS Certification involves a thorough inspection of the manufacturing facility. BIS officials visit the factory to assess whether the production processes align with the prescribed standards. This step ensures that the manufacturer has the necessary infrastructure and quality control measures in place to consistently produce compliant products.


Step 5: Grant of BIS Certification


Once the product testing and factory inspection are successfully completed, the BIS issues the coveted BIS Certification. This certification serves as a mark of quality and compliance with national standards. Manufacturers can then affix the BIS Standard Mark on their products, indicating to consumers that the items meet the required benchmarks for safety and quality.



Step 6: Surveillance and Renewal


BIS Certification is not a one-time process. The BIS conducts regular surveillance of certified products to ensure ongoing compliance. Manufacturers must also renew their certification periodically, demonstrating a commitment to maintaining the prescribed standards over time.




BIS Certification is a crucial mechanism to ensure the safety and quality of products in the Indian market. The comprehensive procedure, encompassing standards identification, application submission, product testing, factory inspection, and ongoing surveillance, underscores the commitment to maintaining a high level of product quality. Manufacturers navigating the intricate path of BIS Certification contribute not only to their success in the market but also to the safety and satisfaction of consumers nationwide.

It is always better to consult with experience team such as ERCS Pvt. Ltd. for smooth certification process.

For more information, please feel free to contact us at or call at +91-9076611770 / +91-9076611766.


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