BIS Certification in Europe

Europe has a broad range of industries that have played an essential role in shaping its economic structure and global influence. Automotive manufacturing is one of its most prominent sectors with renowned brands headquartered in Germany. Europe is a hub for automotive innovation, producing high-quality vehicles and leading the way in electric and autonomous vehicle technology. The aerospace industry is another linchpin of Europe's economy, with companies dominating the market for commercial aircraft manufacturing. Aerospace firms across Europe contribute to the design, production, and maintenance of airplanes and spacecraft, driving technological advancements and international collaboration. Europe is a leader in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors, with companies conducting groundbreaking research and producing life-saving medications. These firms contribute to Europe's reputation as a center for medical innovation and healthcare excellence. Europe is a hub for renewable energy, with countries like Denmark, Germany, and Spain investing heavily in wind, solar, and hydroelectric power to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.

ERCS Private Limited is a reputed organization providing BIS Certification in Europe dealing in sectors like electrical and electronics, automotive and pharmaceuticals. We are a dedicated group of experienced BIS Certification Consultants in Europe working effectively and assisting manufacturers in getting their product certified for Indian Market.


ERCS Private Limited is smoothly delivering a broad range of mandatory Compliance to Indian as well as foreign manufacturers/importers/traders. Few of the compliance services are listed as below:

BIS Certification (ISI Mark)

BIS Certification (ISI Mark) signifies compliance with rigorous standards set by BIS. ISI Mark is a rectangular authentication mark of product quality, reliability and safety in India. BIS Certification is a commitment to excellence in the Indian market.

1. BIS Certification for Indian Manufacturer: Manufacturers based in India, whether small-scale or large-scale, are encouraged to obtain BIS Certification to ensure the quality and safety of their products. This includes manufacturers of consumer goods, industrial equipment, medical, textiles and more.

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2. BIS Certification for Foreign Manufacturer (FMCS): Foreign Manufacturers Certification Scheme (FMCS) is a program designed to streamline the certification process for overseas manufacturers exporting goods to India. Under FMCS, foreign manufacturers can obtain BIS Certification without needing a physical presence in India.

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BIS Registration (CRS)

BIS Registration (CRS) is a Compulsory Registration Scheme mandates a wide range of products, including electronics, appliances, toys, etc. to undergo certification before they can be sold in India. Once compliant, they can embark the BIS Logo on their product, indicating conformity with Indian standards.

For more information, please click here »

WPC Approval

WPC Approval is mandatory for the import, sale and use of wireless products such as Bluetooth devices, Wi-Fi routers and mobile phones before they can be legally operated in India. Managed by the Ministry of Communications, it ensures compliance with technical standards and spectrum regulations to prevent interference and ensure efficient spectrum usage. WPC Approval plays an important role in regulating wireless communication devices to maintain network integrity and user safety.

For more information, please click here »

BEE Registration

BEE Registration is a product labeling program in India that rates the energy efficiency of appliances and equipment. The Star Rating ranges from 1 to 5 stars, with a higher number indicating greater energy efficiency. Products with higher star ratings consume less energy, resulting in cost savings and reduced environmental impact. BEE Star Rating encourages manufacturers to produce energy-efficient products and promotes sustainable consumption practices among consumers.

For more information, please click here »

EPR Authorization

EPR Authorization is a regulatory mechanism requiring manufacturers, importers, or brand owners to manage the end-of-life disposal of their products responsibly to minimize environmental impact. This authorization is granted by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) to entities complying with EPR regulations. Majorly, there are two types of EPR Authorizations that are mandatory as below:

1. EPR Authorization for E-Waste: EPR Authorization for e-waste management commands electrical and electronic manufacturers to responsibly handle the disposal of their products. In India, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) grants EPR Authorization to ensure compliance with e-waste regulations. With the rapid increase of electronic devices, EPR Authorization for e-waste plays a significant role in curbing pollution and conserving resources.

For more information, please click here »

2. EPR Authorization for Plastic Waste: EPR Authorization for plastic waste management is a regulatory requirement imposed on plastic product manufacturers. by CPCB to manage the post-consumer phase of their plastic products responsibly. With the global concern over plastic pollution, EPR Authorization for plastic waste is essential in promoting sustainable practices and reducing plastic waste in landfills and oceans, contributing to a cleaner environment.

For more information, please click here »

Why BIS Certification is Required?

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Certification holds significant importance in India due to several compelling reasons. BIS Certification ensures the safety and quality of products circulating in the Indian market. By conforming to BIS standards, manufacturers guarantee that their goods meet specified criteria for performance, reliability and durability, protecting consumers from substandard or hazardous products. BIS Certification promotes fair competition among businesses where all manufacturers must comply with the same standards, preventing unfair advantages and promoting market integrity. BIS Certification is instrumental in facilitating trade both domestically and internationally. Products gain acceptance in the Indian market, enhancing consumer trust and market access. BIS-certified products are more readily accepted in global markets, thereby boosting India's export potential and contributing to economic growth. BIS Certification serves as a regulatory tool to enforce quality control measures and protect public health and safety.

Who can apply for BIS Certification?

Any manufacturer (Indian/foreign) who wants to sell their product in India can apply for BIS Certification (ISI Mark), provided they adhere to the relevant Indian standards for their product.
Importers bringing goods into India also need to seek BIS Certification to demonstrate compliance with Indian standards before their products are sold in the domestic market. This requirement ensures that imported goods meet the same quality benchmarks as those produced domestically.

ERCS Scope of Work

1. Safeguarding your Product with Indian Compliance
2. BIS Guidelines for Smooth Product Certification
3. Organizing Documents for Product Registration
4. Assistance before the start of Certification Process
5. Support during BIS Audits

It is always better to consult with experience team such as ERCS Pvt. Ltd. for smooth certification process.
For more information, please feel free to contact us at or call at +91-9076611770 / +91-9076611766.

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