BIS QCO for Hand Tool or Wrenches

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Hand Tool or Wrenches

IS 4123, IS 4508, IS 4509, IS 6149, IS 2028, IS 2029, IS 4003 (Part 1), IS 4003 (Part 2)

Order Issue Date: 17 Sep, 2024

Implementation Date: 02 Dec, 2025

The Government of India issues the Quality Control Orders (QCOs) mandating the use of the Standard Mark under a License or Certificate of Conformity (CoC). The government made it necessary for various reasons, including public interest, preservation of human and animal health, environmental safety, avoidance of unfair trade practices, and national security.

Overview For BIS QCO for the Hand Tool or Wrenches

We feel obliged to inform you about an important update on the Indian Standard for Hand Tools (Quality Control) Order, 2024, which applies to all existing license holders, new applicants, producers, importers, and product dealers.

The Hand Tools (Quality Control) Order, 2024 was issued by the Ministry Of Commerce And Industry Department For Promotion Of Industry And Internal Trade.

1. Date of Enforcement :

This Order was published on 17th September 2024. The order shall come into force on the expiry of six months from the date of publication of this notification in the Official Gazette.

2. Applicability:

This order applies to Hand Tools and Wrenches provided that nothing in this order shall apply to goods or articles manufactured domestically for export. To meet quality requirements, all Hand Tools and Wrenches products must adhere to the appropriate Indian Standards as follows -

Title of Indian Standard Indian Standard

  1. Chain Pipe Wrenches 4123:1982
  2. Open Ended Slugging Wrenches (Spanners) 4508:1992
  3. Ring Slugging Wrenches (Spanners) 4509:1992
  4. Single-Ended Open-Jaw adjustable wrenches 6149:1984
  5. Open Jaw Wrenches (Spanners) 2028:2004
  6. Ring Wrenches (Spanners) 2029:1998
  7. Pipe Wrenches - General Purpose 4003 (Part 1):1978
  8. Pipe Wrenches - Heavy Duty 4003 (Part 2):1986
  9. Combination Side Cutting Pliers 3650:1981

Note - For above mentioned Indian Standards, the latest version of Indian Standards including the amendments thereof, as notified by the Bureau of Indian Standards from time to time shall apply.

3. Standards Compliance:

The products mentioned in the above section must wear the Standard Mark obtained through a license given by the Bureau of Indian Standards, as specified in Schedule-ll, Scheme-l of the Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018. 

4. Certification and Enforcement:

The Bureau of Indian Standards is recognized as responsible for certifying and enforcing the quality standards applicable to Hand Tools and Wrenches products. Anyone who violates the conditions of this order shall face the consequences stipulated in the applicable Act. The Implementation Authority for this QCO is the Bureau of Indian Standards (Government of India)

How BIS Works For Hand Tools and Wrenches :

BIS certification often includes licensing and surveillance processes. The licensing procedure includes the following steps:

  • The manufacturer needs to apply for BIS certification.
  • The chemical facility will be examined in advance by a BIS officer.
  • Following the assessment, product samples will be tested.
  • Following the evaluation, the BIS officer will decide on the outcome.
  • The inspecting officer will carry out the surveillance method after the inspection process to conduct a complete evaluation of the plant.

The surveillance technique includes the following steps:

  • The inspection body will visit the factory to verify the test results.
  • The inspection officer will send the samples to independent laboratories.
  • The test report will include commentary or a summary of the complaint regarding the inquiry.
  • A report on the performance review will be written.

Following the assessment of the report, the BIS license is issued for Hand Tools and Wrenches

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)

Hand Tool or Wrenches QCO

Click to View QCO

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